Contact information

Eurotec Holland is a part of Ecovisie and is over 10 years sales and repair business for Eurotec Electronics Arzberg GmbH.

Eurotec Holland has all the expertise and test products at home and the new brand X-Tra Power to sell and repair.
Our bussines is growing every 6 months with other brands, so visit us regulair.

Ecovisie is since 2001 active in the market for energy saving and sustainable building.

These two companies will continue under the name Ecovisie, where "Eco" stands for both Economic and Ecologies.

"Vision" refers to the fact that we gather a complete picture "helicoptervieuw" for sustainable products into constructions and buildings.

This vision provides an independent view on your needs and prevents construction and installation errors.

Phone 0575544033 bgg. 0620493691
Contact person eng. A.R. Nijenhuis